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Basic policies of activities in Fiscal 2013

In Fiscal 2013, the following trends were forecast:

 (1)The Pharmaceutical Affairs Law (PAL) would be revised so that it might reasonably cover not only drugs but also medical devices and related software. The revision would create various rules.
 (2)The reimbursement of medical treatment fees would be revised in 2014. The related organizations would make active preparations for this revision.
 (3)The medical device industries would be integrated into DITTA and GMTA. They would contact IMDRF and WHO more often in order to work on a global scale.

 DITTA: Global Diagnostic Imaging Healthcare IT & Radiation Therapy Trade Association
 GMTA: Global Medical Technology Alliance
 IMDRF: International Medical Device Regulators Forum
 WHO: World Health Organization

(4) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) would be used in order to expand the scope of healthcare industries.
 (5) People would have higher expectations of the technical progress of low-invasive therapy and diagnosis, such as radiation therapy.

In order to cope with these trends, JIRA announced the following policies:

(1) To refine the business environment to create a new field of industry,
 (2) To promote internationalization,
 (3) To submit more proposals for industrial growth,
 (4) To assist small and medium size member companies and the IT industry, and
 (5) To substantiate JIRA’s basic activities and to expand the scope of its activities.
