No. 55 (RJ_2007_No55.pdf) issued March, 2007 incorporating:
- Review of the Japanese Market for Diagnostic Imaging and Therapeutic systems from April to September 2006
- Message for the year 2007
- JIRA Activity Reports
- Development of Japanese Radiological Equipment in the Post-World War II Period(20)
No. 54 (RJ_2007_No54.pdf) issued February, 2007 incorporating:
- Review of the Japanese Market for Diagnostic Imaging and Therapeutic systems, the First Half Year 2005
- Chairman’s message for 2006
- JIRA Activity Reports
- Development of Japanese Radiological Equipment in the Post-World War II Period(17)
No. 53 (RJ_2006_No53.pdf) issued October, 2006 incorporating:
- Review of the Japanese Market for Diagnostic Imaging and Therapeutic systems, in the Year 2005
- Review of the Resultsu for 2005
- New Chairman Mr. Inomata's message(June,1,2006)
- Report on JRC 2006
- JIRA Activity Reports
Introducing "JIRA Annual Report on Medical Imaging Devices & Systems 2006" |
Report of Korean Medical Regulations Investigation & Regular Interaction with Medical Devices Related Institutions in Korea |
DITTA TC Conference & COCIR Opening Event Conference, March in Brussels |
Participation in the 10th GHTF Conference,June in Lubeck |
- Development of Japanese Radiological Equipment in the Post-World War II (18)
No. 52 (RJ_2006_No52.pdf) issued March, 2006 incorporating:
- Review of the Japanese Market for Diagnostic Imaging and Therapeutic systems, the First Half Year 2005
- Chairman’s message for 2006
- JIRA Activity Reports
- Development of Japanese Radiological Equipment in the Post-World War II Period(17)
No. 51 (RJ_2005_No51.pdf) issued Sep., 2005 incorporating:
- Reviw of the Japanese Market for Diagnostic Imaging and Therapeutic systems in the Year 2004
- Chairman Mr.Katsurada's message at 2005 JIRA General Meeting(June 7,2005)
- Report on JRC 2005
- JIRA Activity Reports
- Development of Japanese Radiological Equipment in the Post-World War II Period (16)
No. 50 (RJ_2005_No50.pdf) issued Mar., 2005 incorporating:
- Reviw of the Japanese Market for Diagnostic Imaging and Therapeutic
systems,the First Half Year 2004
- Outline of Revised Pharmaceutical Affairs Law(effective in April,2005)
- JIRA Activity Reports
- Development of Japanese Radiological Equipment in the Post-World
War II
Period (15)
No. 49 (RJ_2004_No49.pdf) issued Sep., 2004 incorporating:
- Reviw of the Japanese Market for Diagnostic Imaging and Therapeutic
systems in the Year 2003
- Report on JRC 2004
- JIRA Activity Reports
- Development of Japanese Radiological Equipment in the Post-World
War II Period (14)
No. 48 (200503_rj-jp-no.48.pdf) issued Feb., 2004 incorporating:
- Reviw of the Japanese Market for Diagnostic Imaging and Therapeutic
systems,the First Half Year 2003
- JIRA Activity Reports
- Development of Japanese Radiological Equipment in the Post-World
War II Period (13)
No. 47 (200309_Radiology_Japan
2003. No.47.pdf) issued Aug., 2003 incorporating:
- Trends in the Japanese Market for Medical Imaging and Therapeutic
Systems in the Year 2002.
- Report on JRC 2003
- JIRA Activity Reports
- Development of Japanese Radiological Equipment in the Post-World
War II Period (12)
No. 46 (200302_rad_jap_46.pdf) issued
Feb., 2003 incorporating:
- Review of the Japanese Market for January - June 2002, Medical Imaging
and Therapeutic Systems (production, exports, imports, domestic market)
- JIRA Activity Reports
- Development of Japanese Radiological Equipment
in the Post-World War II Period (11)
- JRC 2003 (Japan Radiology Congress)
--- Radiology: Translating Life Science into Patient Care ---
--- ITEM 2003 "Medical Imaging: The Key to the New Healthcare World" ---
- Commendation by JIRA Chairman's Award for Year 2002
No. 45 (200305_Rad.Jap.No.45.pdf) issued
Aug., 2002 incorporating:
- Trends in the Japanese Market for Medical Imaging and Therapeutic Systems
in the Year 2001.
- Report on JRC2002
- JIRA Activity Reports
- Development of Japanese Radiological Equipment
in the Post-World War II Period (10)
No. 44 (200305_Rad.
Jap. No.44.pdf) issued Feb., 2002 incorporating:
- 2002 Annual Meetings of JRS, JSRT & Technical Exhibition
- Promoting Communication with the SDA and
the China WG
- JIRA Division Activity Reports
- Market Trends in Diagnostic Imaging Systems
in Japan
- Development of Japanese Radiological Equipment
in the Post-World War II Period (9)
No. 43 (rad_jap_43.pdf) issued
July, 2001 incorporating:
- New JIRA Organization Put In Operation
- New JIRA Organization
- Report on JMCP2001*
- Development of Japanese Radiological Equipment
in the Post-World War II Period (8)
No. 42 (rad_jap_42.pdf) issued
Feb., 2001 incorporating:
- JMCP2001 - New Frontiers for Patient Care in Radiology -
- Medical Devices Regulatory Systems in Korea
(Report on Second Visit)
- Development of Japanese Radiological Equipment
in the Post-World War II Period (7)
- No. 41 (rad_jap_41.pdf) issued
July, 2000 incorporating:
- Report on the 4th JIRA/CQC Annual Meeting
- Development of Japanese Radiological Equipment
in the Post-World War II Period (6)
- Report on JMCP2000
- Selection of new directors and executives
- News on deciding new logo marks