Business Activities

Activity in 2024

Basic Activity Policy

The JIRA Basic Activity Policy for FY2024 was formulated to realize the four visions in the JIRA Vision 2025.
JIRA activities in FY2024 address the following as key priorities.

  • Contribution to the future of the medical field based on technological advances and the needs of the medical field
    (e.g., expanding the application of diagnostic support technologies, building a mechanism to maintain and improve the post-market performance of artificial intelligence, etc.)
  • Creating an environment that fosters the development motivation of member companies.
    (e.g., ensuring predictability in insurance reimbursement, utilization of medical data, compliance with overseas laws and regulations, etc.)
  • Support to member companies on common issues arising from the changing environment
    (e.g., Procurement of materials, logistics, reduction of environmental impact such as decarbonization, provision of information, consultation desk, human resource development, etc.)

As for changes in the external environment from FY2023 to FY2024, we will pay close attention to the Prolonged Russian invasion of Ukraine, enhanced cyber security and work style reforms at medical institutions, evolution of AI (artificial intelligence) technology, accelerated digitization of medical information, and expansion of efforts toward the SDGs, and promote information sharing and collaboration with our members.

In Addition, JIRA play the role of a hub function that connecting members, healthcare professionals, academic societies, the Japan Federation of Medical Devices Associations (JFMDA), and the government to resolve issues.

1. Achieve world-leading medical innovation ahead of social changetechnologies

In order to extend healthy life expectancy, which is a challenge for a super-aging society, it is important to provide,
 - modalities and functions that support early diagnosis and minimally invasive treatment
 - Collaboration of medical information in a wide range of fields, including prevention, diagnosis and treatment
 - Development of technology that analyzes a wide variety of medical information and provides new perspectives
 - Realization of personalized medicine and linkage with new medical industry fields including healthcare.

JIRA focuses on the following activities.

  • Proposals to the government concerning the medical reimbursement system, the Medical Care Act , the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act, etc.
  • Collaboration and awareness-raising activities by the Japan Federation of Medical Devices Association and other related organizations
  • Proactive efforts to expand the base of the medical imaging systems industry.

2. Contribute to improving the quality of healthcare and expanding the medical device industry through the use of innovative digital technologies

Innovative digital technologies such as SaMD, AI, medical IoT, medical big data, and next-generation communication technologies are beginning to contribute to improving the quality of healthcare and represent an opportunity to expand the medical imaging systems industry.
By creating innovations using these technologies, it is expected that the medical imaging system industry will become a pioneer of building a new era, including support for diagnostic imaging, promotion of the utilization of medical information, reduction of the burden on patients and doctors, linkage of new diagnoses and treatments, and efficiency of medical settings. It is also important to simultaneously promote safety measures for medical devices, such as security and protection of personal information.

JIRA focus on the following activities

  • Resolving Issues for Expanding Social Implementation of AI
  • Promote the development of laws, international standards, and environments for future forms of AI utilization, and evaluation in medical reimbursement systems.
  • Proactive support for IT industry and medical venture companies.

3. Provide and contribute to Japan's excellent medical care and medical systems worldwide

For exporting medical imaging systems and services abroad, it is important to comply with regional standards and systems for medical equipment, to provide medical imaging systems that meet regional medical needs, and to collect various information on regional political, economic, environmental, social, and technological trends.

JIRA focus on the following activities

  • Promotion of standardization (ISO, IEC, JIS, JESRA, DICOM, HL7, etc.) activities
  • Promotion of international harmonization of regulations on medical devices (Strategic study for the realization of MDSRP (Medical Device Single Review Process) and expansion into emerging countries)
  • Gathering information on each country's preferential policies for domestic production and restrictions on circulation due to economic sanctions, and proactive efforts to collaborate with the government for mitigation and transformation.

4. Provide safe, secure and stable healthcare by offering systems that adapt to changes in the social and natural environment.

Japan's medical technology and medical device systems have contributed to the "realization of safe, secure, and stable healthcare. But in recent years, adaptation to changes in the social environment, such as increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks and a shrinking workforce, and to changes in the natural environment, such as global warming and more frequent natural disasters, has become increasingly important.

JIRA focus on the following activities

  • Awareness-raising on how to respond to risks that may hinder the healthcare environment (e.g. cyber-attacks, changes in the social situation, supply disruptions caused by sudden events, etc.).
  • Appealing the value of equipment maintenance, including BCP support
  • Proactive efforts to promote the transition to energy-saving systems with low environmental impact, such as decarbonization.

5. Enhancement of JIRA foundation activities

JIRA enhances the following activities as a basis for realizing the four visions.

  • Strengthen awareness-raising activities on compliance
  • Increase the value provided to JIRA members through effective use of remote/real
     - Hosting Webinars to Drive Innovation
     - Providing promotional opportunities that cannot be done by individual companies
     - Utilize T-con to expand distant members and committee members
     - Enhancement of plans such as video distribution of information and various seminars for members
     - Increase presence, support, and continuity of members of subcommittees and committee activities
  • Ongoing promotion of existing activities
     - Strengthen public relations activities
     - Strengthen research and study activities
     - Expansion of MRC Accreditation System
     - Ongoing training based on the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act
     - Improve the added value of ITEMs